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College of Pharmacy: Sponsor a Senior Gift 2021

College of Pharmacy: Sponsor a Senior Gift 2021 Image
Raised toward our $5,100 Goal
37 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 01, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Sponsor a Senior Gift Today!

A Message from the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy Alumni Council:

As students prepare to graduate this spring, we look forward to welcoming them into the Pharmacy alumni family as they enter the world of professional pharmacy to serve with pride.

Please consider joining with the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy Alumni Council in welcoming our newest graduates into the Bearcat alumni family. One way you can celebrate this special milestone with us is by sponsoring a commemorative mortar and pestle for our graduating students.

Thank you for helping us celebrate with the Class of 2021!

"Every time I see the mortar and pestle from my graduation, it reminds me of the remarkable UC Pharmacy alumni I met throughout my schooling and the pride of being a Bearcat. It’s a reassuring gift that encourages me to keep giving back to the college for years to come!”  Zak Fettman, PharmD '19

Choose a giving level



Create a special moment for a graduating student by sponsoring a commemorative gift.



Create a special moment for two graduating students by sponsoring two commemorative gifts.



Create a special moment for three graduating students by sponsoring three commemorative gifts.