Athletic Training Month

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
3 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 04, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Athletic Training Month

National Athletic Training Month is observed every March to recognize the vital role athletic trainers (ATs) play in healthcare. This month also raises awareness about the importance in sports safety, rehabilitation, and emergency care. Recognizing athletic trainers helps advocate for their essential role in healthcare teams and ensures they receive the resources and support needed to continue providing high-quality care. 

This is the perfect time for alumni to reflect on the impact their athletic training education had on their careers and consider giving back to support the next generation of ATs. In order to be well prepared to transition to practice as a licensed healthcare provider, we provide opportunities in the second year of the program which require 40-60 hours per week of clinical experience and patient interaction. Students can go anywhere in the country to do one of these experiences. The benefits of this include tremendous patient care experiences, administrative responsibilities, professional interaction with physicians, allied health professionals and peers, and relationship building.  Although these are all very positive, students must sacrifice the ability to work to support their education and pay their tuition and living expenses. Those who go away for an experience also must pay an additional expense to find a short-term living accommodation. 

In addition to academic and clinical work, our program encourages professional development and engagement in professional organizations. These also come with expense for membership dues as well as travel and accommodations to attend any professional conference. These come out of the student’s own resources and many students cannot engage in these opportunities because of lack of ability to support them.

Choose a giving level



Semester textbooks and course fees



Professional clothing and gas/travel to clinical site for a semester



Professional dues and travel to one professional conference (i.e. GLATA and/or OATA annual symposium)



Miscellaneous expenses such as CPR certification, food, insurance, background checks, site required tests, parking passes